Greetings, fearless adventurers! It’s me, the Yeti, reporting back on the epic journey we embarked upon during the Manaslu Fastpack 2023, organized by the incredible folks at Himalayan Adventure Labs (HAL). Brace yourselves for a tale filled with laughter, excitement, and a sprinkle of mischief! Our team was an unstoppable force of adventure seekers, ready to conquer the untamed trails. Tony and Sharon, the seasoned veterans of Annapurna Fastpack 2017, […]

Maybe the third time is truly the charm? Wahoo! We are happy to report that  ‘Team Kali’  completed the Langtang Lollipop Fastpack on June 7th in northern Kathmandu at the doorstep of the Royal Astoria Hotel.  The team covered over 186k/115miles with a tremendous amount of vertical change (the cumulative gain alone was 14,198m/46,500ft) including a crossing of Larabina Pass at 4,610m/15,124ft and a sketchy crossing of the rarely visited […]

Our first edition of Langtang Fast Pack (LFP) was a huge success in terms of adventures done. We covered a lot of ground: 153 km/95miles in distance and 11,800m/38,700ft in total elevation gain over 11 dayson the trail! With the goal of starting and ending in Kathmandu on foot, we began at Budhanilknatha Temple gate in the northern part of the city, below the valley rim in the edge of Shiva […]

Introduction Big thanks to Brian Fagin for this guest trip report! – Sudeep and Seth. This trek is a bit of a Frankenstein.  I started with the Tenzing/Hillary Trek, which begins in Jiri and ends at Everest Basecamp (as opposed to flying in to Lukla and hiking to EBC).  Beginning in Jiri adds anywhere from 5-8 days to the trek, but Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay Sherpa had to begin here, […]