Just a couple weeks ago, over the course of three days and 23 hours, I set a new women’s speed record on the Annapurna Circuit. It was one of those spontaneous ‘that’s-a-terrible-idea-but-heck-why-not’ projects: I came up with the idea on a Monday and started the record attempt at the crack of dawn on Wednesday – not even 48hrs later (if you want to hear the full story of how that […]

Our first edition of Langtang Fast Pack (LFP) was a huge success in terms of adventures done. We covered a lot of ground: 153 km/95miles in distance and 11,800m/38,700ft in total elevation gain over 11 dayson the trail! With the goal of starting and ending in Kathmandu on foot, we began at Budhanilknatha Temple gate in the northern part of the city, below the valley rim in the edge of Shiva […]

Sudeep and Seth did a recon in October, 2016 with the goal of completing the entire route in 60 hours. They failed. The full trip report is posted on Seth’s personal blog. The short version is: Leaving the Royal Astoria Hotel – they made it 18 hours to Magengoth before monsoon rains hit and they took shelter in a lodge. They next day found them sheltering from rains in a […]