Sudeep and Seth did a recon in October, 2016 with the goal of completing the entire route in 60 hours. They failed. The full trip report is posted on Seth’s personal blog.

The short version is: Leaving the Royal Astoria Hotel – they made it 18 hours to Magengoth before monsoon rains hit and they took shelter in a lodge. They next day found them sheltering from rains in a cow shed above Tarygoung. From there they made their way to a yak herder hut in Keldang, below Kanja La pass – they made it over the icy pass by sharing a pair of micro-spikes and descended to Kyangjin Gompa.

A fifth day found them running down the Langtang Valley in 8 hours. Out of time, they grabbed a jeep back to Kathmandu from Syrabu Besi with eyes toward coming back in 2017 (read the trip report from 2017 here and how a HAL team finally completed it inΒ 2018 here).

Big thanks to Michael Collins for posting his trip report and GPX tracks on Trail Running Nepal’s website and for all of his advice.

Pictures also tell a good story and can be found below!Β  If this sounds like a good adventure for you – consider joining us!




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