So, when Emma asked for ideas to do a week long adventure in the Himalayas(October 2016), Mardi Himal Base Camp trek came to my mind. I had heard a lot about Mardi HBC from adventure community in Kathmandu and Sharad KC who had just finished part of the trek. After few exchanges of excitements ending with exclamations we agreed on doing Mardi HBC. At the same time we’re also looking at ways to connect MHBC with ABC otherwise divided by a river valley. I know Emma from Annapurna Fast Pack 2014 and we have been good friends since and I know exactly how badass of an adventurer she is. On our very first day we both realized that MHBC and ABC trek was doable within our time frame and jumped with the idea. After all, what’s adventure if it doesn’t give you any kicks? So we marched on with our made-on-the-trail-masterplan and did Mardi HBC, Macchapurche BC and ABC in 6 days. Thank you Emma for keeping up with my trail antics and being a great adventure companion. Excited to do Langtang Fast Pack with you and the team this April! I highly recommend Mardi for anyone looking for a short trek, with few tourists(might change once this post goes online!) and amazing views of Macchapuchre, Mardi and Annapurnas. Also much thanks to ever helpful Himalayan Map House for maps.
We’re greeted with crystal views of the himalayas on our way to Pokhara.
This is where we start, at Kande. Add ‘l’ behind and it becomes Kandel! Mind blown!
.. and napping buffalos. Emma is careful not to disturbe them! Looks like taking a nap is a ritual on this side of the trail.
The next morning crossing MBC, on our way to ABC. Fishtail from the other side.
Emma leading the trail. Macchapuchre in the backdrop.
First rays of sunshine hitting trails, and Emma.
Home away from home. We stopped for lunch at forrest camp(we stopped for a night while going up) while decending from MardiBC.
M for mountains.
Apparently the hanging log is a beehive.
Like a boss.
Coming down from MBC.
We stopped at Nayapul to show Emma’s permits. This is also the end point for Annapurna Fast Pack.
I asked the guy -whether the tank is filled with water? He chuckled.
Someone paraglided down from the base camp! Emma and I are like, we need to do this next time! Envious!
How we take a nap!
On our second night we arrivied at high camp. Once we entered the dinning area it looked more like a dormitory! Later we found out those people were from search and rescue team (comprising of Nepal Police & Israeli SAR Magnus). They’re looking for an Israeli guy who got lost between high camp and Mardi base camp. We wished them goodluck for their operation.
After a long day from Landruk we’re thrilled to arrive at Deurali after dark. Stationed with 4 lodges, we looked for rooms in each of them and found a best deal at the end; two benches in a dining hall with 40 other people.
The view never gets old!
Annapurna South and Huichuli the next morning, from Landruk. So we did the MardiBC trek in 3 days from Kande and joined Landruk which connects to ABC/MacchapuchreBC trek.
How they take a nap.
First view of Macchapuchre after forest camp.
Looking back from the trail to Mardi base camp. Beautiful!
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